ETIAS system has acquired attention from over the globe. For more than 60 countries, ETIAS system will assist them citizens to enter the Schengen Zone without a visa. This system will come in effect by 1t January 2021, and will help the travelers to explore the zone in the safer manner.
How to fill out the ETIAS application form?
The online application form is expected to be completed within 10 minutes to fill the entire information. The paperwork will be controlled as all the required information will be filled through online platform only. The applicant will be asked on their citizenship initially that will help in better understanding of whether they can apply further or not.
To proceed further, the applicant will be asked for the following documents and data:
- Biometric Data of the applicant which includes Full Name, Date of Birth and Place of Birth
- Passport Information to verify the citizenship of the applicant
- Address of the applicant
- Contact details like email ID and mobile number
- Work experience and Education certification
- Which country they will intend to initially visit in Schengen Area
- Questions backed upon their background and eligibility which might include any medical condition so far, countries traveled to so far or places they have been deported from!
- Submission of Prof of relationship for family members of EU citizens including background information
How to submit the ETIAS visa application?
Once the applicant will submit all the filled out information, they will be required to pay the fees of 7 Euros. After the payment submission, the system will fetch the information as follows:
- Verification of data and information provided by the applicant
- Eligibility check
- Risk Factor Analysis
If the verification of the above mentioned criteria falls in the authorized right, the ETIAS visa application will be approved in no time. People from different countries are excited already to apply for the same. But unfortunately, the wait is till 2021.