
Life Changes for foreign Spouses after A2 Test

Are you planning to reside in the UK with your British Spouse? Then plan to prepare for A1 and A2 English Test for UK Spouse Visa. This is the most common exam conducted by CEFR for the welfare of the people and the country.

The basic idea behind this exam is, the UK immigrant must have knowledge of speaking, learning, and listening capacity of the primary level of English to survive in the U.K. So brush up your English knowledge to get success in A2 English Test. This test helps to extend your visa to 5 years.

Who needs to apply for the A2 English test?

As of June 2010, the new law was composed by Mrs. Theresa May to cut down sham marriages and illegal immigrants to the UK. Reports say that faking marriage causes many illegal immigrants to the UK to cause damages to the country.

The A2 English test is the most common test which consists of 7 minutes exam conducted by Secure English Language Test at CEFR. The question consists of daily routines, time, life in the U.K., places of U.K., local areas, weather, and simple words and phrases about life in the U.K.

A2 English Test Booking

For A2 English Test booking,one can visit the official website and fill out the required fields with original documents and apply for the test. The UK government charges 200GBP for this test.

A person can apply for the test just 3 days before the exam. The candidate who applied for the exam on Friday after 4 p.m. will be considered as a Monday applicant. The candidate can choose the nearby exam center at the time of registration.

The applicant must provide a valid email, address, and phone number details. All the exams are conducted only in the specified exam center.

Cancellation Procedures

The time will not be allotted at the time of registration.The time and date will be sent to the applicant through the specified e-mail. If you are unable to attend the exam on the specified date, you are eligible to cancel it with the nominal fee of 50GBP as a cancellation charge.

After cancellation, the applicant can book again without any hesitation. Be prepared and apply for the exam. Make sure you are free on those days and apply for A2 English test booking.

Further Leave to Remain visas (A2)(extension)

After 2.5 years in the UK, UK Spouses or partners and parents route to settle in the UK for 5 years extended visa must apply for this A2 English test to qualify for further leave to remain visa at the UK.

This is the exam conducted by CEFR, which consist of 7 minutes speak and listening test. This is the basic level of English test which is equivalent to the level of a child below age 5.The result will be disclosed on the same day and the certification of the same will be processed within 7 days to the registered address.