
What is Antigen test?

The antigen test, also called the Fit to fly covid test or FFT, is a blood test that determines an individual’s ability to fight certain infectious diseases and then allows them access into countries where they would otherwise be denied entry. Tests are done without drawing blood, so no needles or staining is required by the user and there are no risks associated with the procedure. The antigen test is typically done at airports when a traveler arrives in their destination country and before entering any public buildings such as museums or restaurants.

What exactly does antigen test do?

It can show if you have immunity against certain infectious diseases as we mentioned earlier, they are basically disease agents in their “orgin” and they are thought to be able to infect the body so in order to stop this from happening you need to be immune against these diseases.

The test measures antibodies, which is basically chemicals produced by the body in response to a certain infection. In order for our bodies to produce antibodies, we have certain proteins on our blood cells called immunoglobulins that are needed.

The tests only measure if you have these specific antibodies but they do not allow you access into every country as this is still a matter of some debate but it is official policy because people have died due to this issue.

Why We need Antigen test for travel?

Infectious diseases are dangerous and can be fatal. Organisms can be transmitted when people travel, for example the AIDS virus, cholera, typhoid fever and tuberculosis. For this reason, governments have introduced certain requirements for people entering a country to make sure that they do not pose a threat to the existing population of a country.

It is also important that organizations such as airlines have an accurate record of their customers’ health status so they can ensure safety when they transport them. Antigen test for travel is used to:


Travel to foreign countries can present many dangers for a person entering a country. This can range from the weather and poor health conditions, to getting lost in the population of a new city. In order to reduce these risks, there must be some way an individual can be identified as having no ill effect on the public health of a country’s people. This should also ensure that they are not traveling with other persons carrying infectious diseases that could harm other members of an ecosystem.

Who should get Antigen test for travel?

The only people who need an Antigen test are those who want to enter countries that have banned them from entering. The antigen test is only for travelers entering countries that have banned visitors, so it excludes those staying in hotels where they can continue to access public buildings.

It is important to note that some diseases are not detected by the antigen test and hence, do not pose a threat to a traveler’s health. For example, even though travelers cannot enter Australia because they cannot be issued with visas due to tuberculosis, they will not fall ill with tuberculosis while traveling in Australia if they do not have symptoms of the disease or are not exposed through casual contact with others who do.
